April 11, 2009


Today, 3-18-09, Cami got her tongue tie, also known as ANKYLOGLOSSIA or SHORT LINGUAL FRAENUM, members.tripod.com/~Caroline_Bowen/tonguetie.html, fixed today! I have NOT been looking forward to this day and I am SO glad it’s over. I stayed in the car with Kaylin while David took her inside for the procedure. I am sure the ladies working at the birth center thought I was a bad mom, but I could NOT handle seeing her in pain. David was the brave daddy and took care of her! So he said it was pretty easy, they just held her little mouth open, that is the part she hated the most, then using special scissors they clipped the fraenum and it was all done! Luckily the Dr.’s caught this very early and we were able to correct it now. Dr. Clark, the girls’ awesome pediatrician, told us that after 4 months old the procedure becomes much for difficult and anesthesia is required. Yikes! So I am very happy it didn’t hurt too much and that it is over now! It’s been very cute; she has been sticking her tongue out all day now! She wasn’t able to do that before!

Luckily our girls are both awesome and they let us be “normal”, so after Cami’s procedure we went to Famous Dave’s for lunch, got the minivan washed, went shopping at Kohl’s and Babies R Us and then headed home. Cami and I got in some awesome cuddle time when we got home. I was still feeling guilty for her little tongue so we read a book on the recliner next to the front window with the breeze just blowing softly on us. It was heaven! It was also nice because Kaylin actually spent some time on her play mat, toysrus.com/product/index.jsp?productId=2737988&CAWELAID=107500531, all by herself! If you know Kaylin at all, you know this is a big step for her! She is very Mommy-fide!

Tonight we went to Chilies for dinner and then to Wal-Mart for a few necessities. We found the girls some VERY cute outfits and some Easter dresses! The thought of being able to buy an Easter dress for MY very OWN daughters brings tears to my eyes. There was a time that all I could do was dream about such an awesome thing like shopping for my kids! God is so good, we are SO blessed, and I am SO Thankful!!!

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