So while I was pregnant one of the most popular things people liked to say was, "Enjoy it NOW!" I understood what they were saying but it kinda bothered me. We waited so long for a family and were so thrilled to be pregnant. I LOVED the 4 years David and I had as just us, but we were ready for that to change. People would go on and on about never being able to do anything. David and I knew that wouldn't be us! You have to live life, and kids can adjust! So with all that being said, we decided that on the girls one month old birthday we would go to Disneyland! Some might call us crazy, in fact a lot of people have, but we had a wonderful time!
We didn't leave the house until 3pm. We decided last minute to go, and so we pulled into the parking lot a little after 4pm. We fed and changed the girls in the parking lot and we looked at the clock right at 4:34, the exact minute 1 month later from when they pulled Kaylin out! Its crazy how quickly time goes by. Everyone says that, but its even more real when you have a newborn. I can say that I would go back 4 weeks and do this all again in a heartbeat! I feel like they have already grown SO much!
We went to California Adventure 1st because my sister and my nephew were there (one of the reasons we decided to go that day). We had a corn dog and then met up with them at the Toy Story ride. It was so sweet to see my adorable 3 year old nephews face light up and him run to me when he saw me standing there. It makes my heart skip a beat just thinking of it! I love that kid like my own! He was so excited to see us, we walked around with them for a while and would sit and people watch while they went on rides. We fed the girls when they were hungry and changed them when they needed to be, it was just like being at home, except we weren't! No big deal. I had a sling that I carried Kaylin in most of the day and David put Cambria in the Baby Bjorn for a while also! It was great seeing him looking so Dad-ish! I loved it!
We wanted to make sure that we at least went into Disneyland on their 1st trip, so we went inside the gates and took pictures and then went to downtown Disney for dinner. Luckily it worked out that our cousins, Julia, Stephanie, Erica and Dalene were in the area and able to meet us for dinner! We had a great time with them!
After dinner we had some yummy Beignets for dessert we headed to the car. Again we fed and changed the girls and headed home. So 6 hours out and about and the girls were great, we had a blast and we all survived! Enjoy the pics!
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